The Democrats, sharing Clinton's smug certainty that she was entitled to the presidency, laughed at Trump until he beat Hillary on November 9, 2016. The agony caused by this affront to their collective hubris ran so deep that not even a soy caramel macchiato could reach it. The previous months of haughty derision quickly turned into fear and rage, and all of a sudden Trump was more dangerous than Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Putin and a cauldron of bacon-spiked tofu soup. There weren't enough manicurists in the country to talk that fever down.
Clearly this was not a response to Trump, or anything he did other than having had the audacity to appeal to a majority of Americans. This was the fury of the entitled at having been bested by someone they perceive to be far below them.
Hillary had been just as confident against Trump as she had been in the primaries against Obama in 2008, but the unthinkable happened – again. The queen was denied her throne. If one word could capture the Democrats behavior over the subsequent four years that word would be “fury,” or perhaps “vengeance,” for they exhibited all of the restraint of a meticulously coiffed princess whose handmaiden won the prince's heart with little more than a smile. A lifetime of manipulation, primping and posing was for naught. “How dare he,” the royal we fumed. “Hhe shall pay with his life!”
The phrase, “by any means necessary,” famously used by radical Islamic extremist Malcolm X in 1964, is regularly associated with the Democrats and signals their belief that the end does indeed justify the means. Referring to Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primaries against Obama, one pundit wrote:
“There’s only one ethic that accords with her interests and her style — by any means necessary.”
This spirit has possessed the Democrats for nearly two decades and since Trump's first victory, the phrase itself summons a sense of righteous ferocity from their base. As if their malicious intent wasn't obvious from the outset of Trump's 2016 presidency, a photo of Kathy Griffin holding a bloodied mask made to look like Trump's decapitated head was interminably circulated by the media. Celebrities like Robert De Niro, Rosie O'Donnell, Madonna, Snoop Dogg, and many more also made their fantasies of physical violence known to their fans. Even Johnny Depp quipped “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?” Effigies of Trump were burned in public, which made sure that everyone understood exactly what Maxine Waters meant when she urged her supporters to harass Trump's staff everywhere they are found.
It has been a protracted orgy of self-righteous ugliness from the Left. Kathy Griffin may have been publicly denounced but deep down, Democrats applaud her, as evidenced by the unbounded hatred for Trump that they continue to express to this day. But what they unwittingly model is not righteousness but the hatred that a petulant child feels towards the father who holds her accountable in order to guide her towards the necessary, uncomfortable transition into adulthood. Unfortunately, some children just can't make the change.
The mind of a Lefty is consumed with the fantasy of “the greater good,” which is an infinitely malleable concept. Even if we all boarded Spaceship Paradise, disaster would immediately ensue as each passionately pursued her own pet version of goodness and goodies because nobody can, or ever will, identify that elusive planet. The concept is in every way absurd other than in the context of an individual's charitable choices. Even worse, the inevitable result of its pursuit is that the most dangerous, manipulative, power-hungry sociopaths among us would rise to power amidst the chaos created by all the feverish, conflicting ideas about who will impose what upon whom in order to ensure maximum “goodness.” Chaos creates the opportunity and the most talented sociopaths always know how to seize it.
It happens. Every. Single. Time.
The Left – Right divide is best understood as idealistic childhood vs. adult realism.
The Conservative tries to build competence and self-discipline with the expectation of being rewarded for his contribution to the community. The Liberal, on the other hand, wants to recreate the parent-provider role in the form of a benevolent government. As they protest their way through life, the Liberal becomes increasingly like a pampered child who refuses to clean their room, and instead demands that their parents be replaced by an indulgent clown who will give them unlimited treats. Canadian's turned this into a reality with the Trudeau Show, a possible future Netflix horror series.
The truth is that despite all of the passionate Liberal pontification on the importance of compassion, a study published in 2021 in PubMed determined that, in private, conservatives are far more generous than liberals,
“Political conservatives are significantly more charitable than liberals at an overall level.”
Imagine my surprise. Not.
The Left is all about “free stuff for me, responsibility for thee.” They don't want to be, themselves, generous, they want to benefit from the compelled generosity of others, which is the same disastrous recipe that has created every socialist hellhole in history.
During Trump's first term, the Democrats condoned both BLM and Antifa even as they burned and looted their way across the nation. In order to make crystal clear the depth of their support for the extremists among them, top Democrats took a knee to express solidarity with the rioters who form their base, reinforcing the message that violence was justified, maybe even expected. When added to the effigies, severed head, and celebrity endorsements of violence, some would certainly interpret this as a casting call for an assassin – and as we recently found out, they got their wish.
“By any means necessary” isn't a difficult concept. Even Liberal Looters could understand it, as could Democrat polling station workers who needed no further prompting. The message was clear: so dangerous was Trump that the 2020 election couldn't be left up to the voters – only midnight boxes stuffed with Biden ballots carefully filled out by the dead could save American Democracy. Political consultants may have even reassured Biden that “we could use any response from patriot groups as proof that we were right about the threat to Democracy.” I can hear Biden's reply, “give them bricks and gasoline then get me some ice cream. I'll be on the beach.”
It turns out that some Americans do resent politicians who cheat and steal elections, and they aren't afraid to express their dissatisfaction. Who would have guessed? Perhaps our hypothetical unscrupulous political strategist would have, but the Biden team wouldn't hire anyone like that, would they?
Why is the Left, read “Deep State,” so utterly terrified of Trump that they would conduct a decade-long campaign of vilification in their relentless attempt to destroy him by any means necessary. He's just one man, whereas they are an army of the wealthy who control all of the Democrats and most of the Republican party – Trump often stands alone because the GOP has become so crowded with cowards that the term RINO is almost universally understood, even outside of the US. Distracting the public from the crimes of the Democratic Party and the many Biden family scandals is certainly part of the reason for the incessant attacks on Trump but more importantly, what is their ultimate goal? Something “huge” is at stake, and it's not “just” migrants at the border, inflation or the economy.
The real prize is global domination via a One World Government (OWG) in which “you will own nothing and be happy,” and it cannot be accomplished with a strong US. There's a clear political divide in the US now: Trump's overriding concern is to strengthen the nation, whereas every Democratic party policy – from Ukraine and China, the economy, energy, migrants and immigration, the urge to forfeit national autonomy to the WHO, NATO and the UN, the Climate, Freedom of speech, attacking the 2'nd amendment, even their choice of candidate for the Presidency – leads to a weaker country. None of this is coincidental or accidental.
The Deep State needs to weaken the country but Trump unequivocally supports a strong United States of America, thus he stands in the way of the drive for a OWG. The stakes are high and the assassination attempt of July 13, 2024 proves that the Democrats are deadly serious when they say they will stop Trump by any means necessary.
I wrote about this prior to the 2020 election in my essay “Feminism's role in a One World Government” in which I discussed the continual efforts of the powerful throughout history to dominate the entire world. Here's a brief excerpt:
“Power-obsessed megalomaniacs have always been a part of humanity, and they always will be. From Genghis Khan to Alexander the Great, the Pharaohs of Egypt and the emperors of Rome, each of the top rulers saw themselves not just as powerful men in their communities but as the rightful emperor of the entire known world. They were not driven merely by the accumulation of wealth and luxury. They were driven by something much deeper in the human psyche ... the lust to be the one top dog, king and emperor of all, a god-like ruler of the universe against whom no man may stand. It is the same psychic force that drives a prize fighter to reach for World Champion status but on a much larger scale.
The super-wealthy are compelled to battle for domination of the world as certainly as a lobster is compelled to dominate and expand its territory, which is its world. [...] To these top human males, the entire Globe is the territory under dispute; the Earth itself and everything on it, including you and me, are the disputed resources.
Humanity has not changed since the days of emperors and pharaohs, and each of the ultra-powerful in the world today sees himself as the first Emperor of Earth. But you cannot be Emperor of the World unless the world is unified under one governing body: A One World Government in the New World Order.”
The ruling class has never liked the middle class, see here, here and here. They want a small elite class, and to have everyone else chained to their jobs “by any means necessary” in the working class. Many versions of those chains have already been prepared and tested: pandemic lock-downs causing small business failures to increase the ranks of minimum wage workers, travel restrictions based on medical and climate “necessity,” 15 minute cities, inflation, soaring housing costs, vaccine passports, social credit scores, etc.
The powerful have already demonstrated how easily they can prevent you from walking your dog in the park or visiting your own dying mother. We have travelled so fast and so far down this evil path that what were protected inalienable human rights just a few years ago are now under attack by the government officials whose job it is to protect them. We've been coerced into taking experimental mRNA injections, our own children are instructed by their teachers to hide life-changing decisions like sex-change from their parents, people have been encouraged to snitch on their neighbors if they so much as walk out their own front door, climate zealots and religious extremists block the streets, the smash-the-patriarchy cult is literally tearing down historic monuments, looting and rioting was tolerated while sitting alone on the beach got you arrested, and more. Much of this insanity was ordered by the power-drunk elite, the rest was quietly condoned or financially supported. No crime is beyond them because they own even the justice system. They have no moral boundary and they laugh at our suffering. All of this has been going on even before they've been able to grant themselves absolute power under a One World Government. We've only tasted the appetizer, my friends.
In 2024 we are witnessing what should have been a cinematic parody of a dystopian political future. Never has there been more obvious political puppets in the White House than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Biden doesn't know who or where he is and yet Kamala manages to best him in the bimbo contest.
Being hand-picked as the Democratic presidential candidate after four years of astonishing unpopularity due to her record-setting poor performance as VP, and without even the pretense of an election primary, Kamala represents an embarrassing new low for the Democrats. Her most notable characteristic is a cackle that conjures up a chimeric image of the original Joker, played by Cesar Romero, and the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz.
Kamala is, rightfully, the butt of political jokes around the world, but she has the one critical requirement for a Democratic nominee that doesn't involve kneepads: she will obey and implement anything that the Deep State dictates. She has not one moral fiber, nor enough sense to understand the enormity of the crimes awaiting her approval.
Kamala is the perfect puppet because for all feminists, and perhaps an embarrassingly large number of other women, the only necessary qualification for the next president of the US is the presence of three holes instead of two. And though she may be a shape-shifting minority – she's black or Indian depending on who's asking – Kamala nonetheless can claim this pedigree and command the accompanying rights and privileges thereof. Heck, she could suddenly forget how to pronounce the letter “r” and don a wok hat, and the legacy media still wouldn't question her newly “discovered” Chinese heritage. Clearly Pocahontas isn't the only shape-shifting Democrat.
In accordance with woke orthodoxy, new terminology is required in order to legitimize these fleeting feelings of ethnic belonging, even if they are borne of political convenience. Let's call it micro-politico-genetic-awakening. I think that's sufficiently officious to satisfy the easily-duped. It even sounds sciencey. Only people with brain cells would notice the vacuity of the term, but they are too few in number to matter today and are the first to be cancelled anyway.
The sad truth, and the weakness of the Right, is that values like moral continence, freedom of speech, equality of opportunity, constitutional rights, and national sovereignty are not a consideration for a large number of voters -- and for none on the Left. The Left can't even accept that words should have the same meaning from one sentence to the next.
Here's the question that voters must decide for 2024: do you want a strong independent nation, or do you want a One World Government (OWG).
Kamala cannot, and will not, resist even the most ambitious timeline for globalization, that's why she was hand-picked. So if anyone you love starts singing “we are the world” like a drunken teenager riding that blue donkey on rainbow colored mushrooms, remind them of this:
The one thing that keeps the tyrants of the world somewhat in check today is international pressure through trade sanctions and the threat of war from the other nations of the world. There would be none of that under a One World Government, which would have no opposing military to act as a restraining force. Look at what our esteemed leaders did to you as soon as the door to totalitarianism was ever-so-slightly cracked open during the Covid pandemic, and know that it would be far worse under a OWG.
Today, political prisoners are held in Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba and more despite international scrutiny and pressure, which is why most of the world's nations offer refugee programs. Under our present system, political dissidents whose lives are at risk can seek asylum in a friendly country, and approximately 40,000 people seek asylum in the US alone each year. The acceptance rate runs from 40 to 55 %. That's a lot of people deemed to be fleeing for their lives due to nothing more than their ideas. Where would they go under a One World Government? There would be no more political dissidents not because the world was made safe from corrupt governments and tyrannical despots, but because the entire world would be one enormous corrupt government with no chance of escape. Under a One World Government there will be nowhere to go, and if you don't dance to the emperor's tune they will find you and make you pirouette until you bleed.
Freedom is unavoidably difficult and dangerous but its rewards begin as soon as one decides to be free in mind, body and soul. And only freedom of speech gives us power to sound the alarm when despots arrive, which is why the elite so desperately want to curtail it. As flawed as the nation state format can be, and as uncomfortable as it might be to read mean tweets or to hear so-called “hate speech,” they are both essential for self-determination and protection from the all-consuming greed of the megalomaniacs who want a world of slaves under their feet.
In her song, “Big Yellow Taxi” Joni Mitchell sang, “you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone.” If we lose our freedom to the communist dream of a OWG in which elite party leaders become emperors, then we will enter a period that will one day symbolically be described as “the thousand years of darkness.” And rivers of blood will once again have to be spent in order to win back the freedom that we take for granted today.
Choose wisely, my American friends, for where you go the world is sure to follow.
Very well written Steve. Sadly, too few give a shit and tacitly allow their own demise.
I’m actually embarrassed for them-
Wow. This is so well written, thank you so much ! I miss your videos. I found you when I realized feminism had ruined the woman I chose to marry and have children with, not surprisingly right around the time that Trump won in 2016. The struggles in our relationship mirrored the struggles between left and right being seen in America. Then Covid came. The connections between feminism and what happened to the world over are absolutely astonishing, and as far as I can see, so freaking obvious !! Maybe because I was living it out in my house ? I don’t know, but man did I awaken, and I want to thank you Steve Brule for being a huge part of my sense making as I have awakened.
🙏🏻🙏🏻 bless you !!